Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rich Day 4

Day 4 was a break from the normal routine and it really threw us off schedule. Instead of starting the day at 5:50 a.m. like we have for the previous 3 days, we decided to try and do the shred after we took Paige to daycare. The problem with breaking your routine is that every thing else you planned for the day gets in the way. We both took off work yesterday to buy a car so the first thing we wanted to do once we dropped Paige off was get to the car dealerships. We were silly thinking we could buy a car in one day with all of the negotiating that goes on in a car deal...and my stubborness at not wanting to pay M.S.R.P. Needless to say, 5:00 p.m. came before we knew it so we went to pick up Paige from daycare. We did not want to skip a day of the 30 day shread so while Paige was eating dinner in her high chair, Ali and I put the DVD in and got our 20 minute workout done in the evening instead of the morning.

I don't know if it was the different time or if I am actually getting in shape, but it felt WAY easier to do the exercises on day 4. Granted, we went back to level 1 but I was able to control the weights more and actually felt the muscles working in each exercise. I can tell what I am working now instead of just praying for the exercise to be over. The question now is will we be up for day 5 since it is already 4:00 p.m.

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