Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rich Day 8

This morning was the true test of our commitment to the shred. I had already completed day 7 less than 12 hours ago but I was determined to get back on schedule with my wife. Even though I complain about waking up before the sun has even tried to come up, I like our alone time that we get to spend together. Once you have a child, your whole life revolves around them and it's difficult sometimes to spend even a second alone with that significant other in your life.

Actually, as I type this blog entry our child is crying so my wife has taken her into our bed to spend the night with us. This is the challenge of trying to raise a family while you also try to stay in shape for your spouse. Life happens and while they may seem like excuses there are priorities that come first and your child is definitely the most important responsibility that you have.

Back to the shred...we did level 1 today and I think we are going to stick with that one for the next few days. I was able to finish all of the exercises with the weights and I actually felt like I was controlling my breathing while I was doing each movement. It may seem boring to do the same exercise routine everyday but I want to be able to tell the difference in my ability to complete the workout. Each time I do the exercise, I feel like I am getting stronger and have more endurance. But when I switch to the next level I feel like I'm back to being out of shape. If we stick to the same level then hopefully we will end up doing the exercises as the expert instead of the beginner. Then we can switch to the next level knowing we are not going to back down from the new expectations. I will say that one thing actually helped this morning...SMILE WHILE YOU WORK OUT!!! It may seem cheesy but I found myself actually enjoying the routine while I was smiling. It took the negativity out of the exhaustion that I felt and made me feel more energized. It may be all psychological but I think it worked. Onto day 9!

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