Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rich Day 9

We didn't complete the shred this morning so we had to do it tonight once Paige went to sleep. For me, this is the perfect time to be doing these exercises. I'm nice and limber and wide awake compared to rolling out of bed still half asleep. The only problem with working out so late is that once you cool down and take a shower, it's already 9:00 p.m. and your night is almost over. Plus the whole night you have the thought of doing the shred in the back of your mind.

We stuck with level 1 again and this time I could tell we were making some progress. We were joking about how Jillian is always taking time out of her exercise to show us how her trainers are properly doing the exercises. Meanwhile, she hasn't lifted a single weight or done a squat the whole time. Then she makes some comment about "joining us" and naturally has all the energy in the world. The fact that we noticed that means we weren't completely exhausted like we were the first few times. I also felt my abs working in the reverse crunch and bicycle crunch so I know I am seeing results in that area. What's even funnier is that we are looking forward to the ab exercises because it means we get a break from the cardio and strength training. I'm serious, the lack of a break for 20 minutes makes your body work harder than if you were working out for an entire hour. So just being able to lay down while you do your crunches feels like you are actually getting a rest...and you're working out!!

We are going to do day 10 in the a.m. again tomorrow and hopefully we can stay on track for the rest of the challenge. The question now is how do we maintain this momentum once the 30 days are over?

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