Monday, May 17, 2010

Rich Day 14

I have finally defeated level 1!! This morning's workout was a breeze and it even seemed easier than when I was doing it at night. I never thought my body would change this much in only 2 weeks but I have noticed every muscle in my body getting ripped and cut. I feel like I have all of the strength that I had when I was 18 and I can also tell my temperament has gotten better too. I am less stressed out about everything and just feel more relaxed everyday.

We had our same friends over again for this morning's workout and I have to say I was impressed with their commitment to the shred. For some reason, this challenge brings out the competitiveness in everyone. Not only did our friends surprise me by making it to the 5:45 start time, but they actually made it through the exercise with relative ease. It's amazing to watch how much your body is able to withstand when you put your mind to something. Even though you think you are going to die, your body is probably laughing at you and saying "Is that all you got for me??"

We are almost at the halfway mark and I think we are ready for level 2. It was good to try out all of the levels at least once but it was better to watch our bodies progress through level 1 each day. I knew we were ready for the next level when we started pointing out all of the things Jillian does in the video. Like when she is about to start her butt kicks, she lifts one leg in the air and says "ready, begin". Why can't she just start with both feet on the floor like everyone else?! There's also another part in the video when she almost trips and falls and now I can't help but laugh every time I see it. That helps me make it through at least 2 minutes of the shred.

The routine has finally started to fit into our daily schedule and I think that's one of the harder parts of establishing a workout routine. Not only do you have to make the commitment to the same time each day, but you also have to actually fit that time into your day. It's funny because I used to wake up at 5:30 everyday when I was in the Marines but now it feels like I am waking up at 2 a.m. for some reason. I like having the workout done before my day has officially begun because when I walk into work I feel like I have already been awake for 2 hours...oh wait, I actually have!

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